Monday, May 25, 2020

Obesity Literature Review - 1597 Words

Obesity Literature review I. Introduction Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse affect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy. Child obesity has been increasing dramatically and it has become one of the most common chronic conditions for youngsters and its accompanied by several psychological effects. As for the children it might lead to being isolated and having peer problems and sense of discrimination from non obese children. Moreover, studies show that the percentage of obese children differs from country to another; as in the united states it has been estimated that the percentage of obese children and teenagers is between 20 and 27%, while in†¦show more content†¦2 articles were primary sources but partially relevant: Viner, Hainess, Taylor, Head, Boy, stansfeld (2006) investigated the opinion of weight, emotional well being among a range of body mass index BMI in a sample of early adolescence. Tanofsky, Faden, Yanovski, Wilfley, Denis, jack (2005) explored the relationship of dieting, binge eating, and overweight among children. 1 article was excluded because it was in Spanish language. These remaining 5 articles were included in the literature review: (Hesketh, Wake, Waters, 2004; Allen, Byrne, Blair, Davis, 2006; Sung, Yu, So, Lam, Hau, 2005; Erermis, Serpil, Cetin, Nurcan, Tamar, Burkusoglu, Akdeiz, Goksen, 2004; Gibson, Lisa, Byrne, Blair, Davis, Jacoby, 2008). III. Results The studies were grouped in two groups the first groups has the first, second and fifth study (Hesketh, Wake, Waters, 2004; Allen, Byrne, Blair, Davis, 2006; Gibson, Byrne, Blair, Davis, Jacoby, 2008); where these studies were conducted inside Australia. The second group has the third and the fourth studies: (Sung, Yu, So, Lam, Hau, 2005; Erermis, Serpil, Cetin, Nurcan, Tamar, Burkusoglu, Akdeiz, Goksen, 2004), these studies were conducted outside Australia. The study of (Hesketh, Wake, Waters, 2004); which is in the first group, aimed to examine whether obese children experience lower self esteem than non obeseShow MoreRelatedLiterature Review on Childhood Obesity Essay1850 Words   |  8 PagesLiterature Review on Childhood Obesity By: Obesity is a growing problem among U.S. children. In 1994, one in five children between the ages of 6 and 17 was overweight. This is double the rate of 30 years ago (National Center for Health Statistics, 1999). This adverse trend has potentially profound effects on childrens health, including their long-term health. The terms obese and overweight often are used interchangeably. Technically, obesity is the upper end of overweightRead MoreLiterature Review : Obesity And Lifestyle Behaviors2813 Words   |  12 Pages Literature Review for Obesity Collin M Rofshus University of South Dakota Student December 12, 2014 Author Note Collin Rofshus, Department of Health Sciences, University of South Dakota Collin Rofshus is now a junior at the University of South Dakota. This paper fulfills the critical writing graduate component of the course HSC 440, Major Issues in Health and Human Services. Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Collin Rofshus, Collin.Rofshus@coyotes.usd.eduRead MoreChildhood Obesity Crtical Literature Review Dissertation1344 Words   |  6 PagesIssues around IVF This assignment with focus on IVF and will than define the term IVF. It will follow on looking at issues around IVF. It will also briefly touch catholic debates on IVF and the feminist view on IVF. Furthermore it will define utilitarianism and link it to IVF. Thus it will look at Kant’s theory and how that relates to IVF. There are some women who can’t get pregnant and have to go through In vitro fertilization (IVF) in order to have a baby. IVF involves an egg cell thatRead MoreKnowledge and Perception of Parents Towards Risk of Obesity in Their Preschool Children: Literature Review1308 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Literature Knowledge and perception of parents towards risk of obesity in their preschool children Student Id: Contents Literature Review 1 Barriers that parents encounter over the choice of food for their preschool child 2 Parental concerns in engaging their preschool child in physical activities 3 References 5 Appendix 6 Literature Review A major health concern of parents today is the obesity problem in children. It has been seen globally that obesity problems are increasingRead MoreApplying the Background and Methodology of the Research Process796 Words   |  4 Pageshypothesis, and a relevant literature review. These elements of a research article enable the researchers to clearly state the need and importance of their study. The elements also help to define the uniqueness of the study. The article addresses the problem of childhood obesity, which is a significant issue in health care. The prevalence of obesity during childhood is on the increase across various parts of the globe, especially in the United States. Childhood obesity is associated with multipleRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects On Children And Adolescents1427 Words   |  6 PagesA: Literature Review Many children living in the world are well nourished and consume foods that contain sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrate, fat and micronutrients in order to meet their nutritional requirements. However, there has been a downfall of recommended dietary standards considerably fallen short within children’s diets. Furthermore, an insignificant diet as well as physical inactivity, results in an energy imbalance and can lead to a major social issue of childhood obesity. TheRead MoreIntegrative Review : Obesity And Obesity1528 Words   |  7 PagesIntegrative Review Synthesis The number of obese and overweight individuals throughout the world is rapidly growing. There are many factors that contribute to the reason obesity has become such an epidemic. The purpose of this integrative review is to review and critically appraise the literature on the socioeconomic factors that influence obesity in a community. After doing so, one is able to better understand the strengths, weaknesses, gaps and inconsistencies within the literature. SynthesisRead MoreA Statistical Test On Homometry1224 Words   |  5 PagesSystematic Review A systematic review of obesity research in Kuwait was carried out in order to precisely analyse the literature and research to date. Roberts and petticrew (2006) stated that a systematic review extensively assesses, synthesises, and in addition identifies the important studies on a topic. A systematic review is applicable to research where the outcome of the effectiveness of the study is not certain. Robert and Petticrew (2006) compiled seven important steps for systematic reviews, andRead MoreThe Effects Of Excessive Weight On Weight Loss And Weight Related Outcomes1211 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract Objective: The rate of obesity in the United States is on the rise and is increasing faster than ever. Excess weight is a risk factor for several leading causes of preventable death, which can be reduced through modifiable behaviors such as diet. The purpose of this systematic review of literature was to explore mindful eating and its effects on weight loss and weight-related outcomes. Methods: A search was conducted using PubMed and CINAHL databases using the key terms â€Å"mindful eating†Read MoreBackground and Methodology of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care1003 Words   |  5 PagesResearch Process to Problems in Health Care Childhood Obesity HCS/465 August 2, 2012 Donald Steacy Introduction The purpose of the paper is to show how to develop and understand methodology of the research process when pertaining to health care. The process consists of retrieving a peer-reviewed article and applying the research methodology to the article selected. The article selected for the research methodology was Childhood Obesity: A Global Public Health Crisis written by Sameera Karnik

Thursday, May 14, 2020

How To Attract Customers Business Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1163 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Firstly, I think if ACER wants to attract customers, it needs to know what customers would like. Why customers are going to buy your products? Some people pay attentions to Computer Configuration, this part of the people have some computer knowledge. However, a lot of women and children just pay attentions to Computer appearance. So ACER need to respond to guests needs. Secondly, How to reduce the cost? I have an idea that is part. ACER need to find the lowest-cost part suppliers. Finally, ACER is building a good brand image. ACER has a lot of Environmental Sustainability in Australia. For example, Plant 1 Million Trees , Take Back Program and Carbon Offset Programs with education departments. On the other hand, ACER needs to know their Social Responsibility. The scope of the review: I search about information about ACER. There are a large number of studies of PC Company in the general population. However, since the focus of this research is on ACER, t hese will not be reviewed in detail and will only be referred to as appropriate. Main Body: Change Configuration then attract customers. In 2003, ACER has released its second- generation machine, the Travel Mate C110Tci. The configuration is the Intel Centrino package of Pentium M processor running at 1 gigahertz, 512 megabytes of RAM and 802.11b Wi-Fi wireless technology. It weighs just 3.2lb but still manages to provide about 2.5 hours of computing time. And it costs just $2000 online. So it has high Cost Performance. Some people will be attracting. In 1995, in a major departure from the PCs boxy look, Acers line of Aspire personal computers features the same rounded contours as a television set or videocassette recorder. Analysts say this is a breakthrough, because the PC has had essentially the same bland, corporate look for the past 15 years. Besides price, they say, the PCs appearance will soon become a key selling tool in the fast-growing home market. With the big Christmas buying season beginning soon, Acer will be facing stiff competition in retail stores by market leader Packard Bell Electronics Inc. and other big rivals, including Compaq Computer Corp., International Business Machines Corp. and Apple Computer Inc. Packard Bell, based in Westlake Village, Calif., last year broke some new ground in design by adding amenities such as ear-level speakers on the PC, as well as color-coded cables to make it easier to start up. Apple, based in Cupertino, Calif., is known to be experimenting with new designs to its line of Macintoshes, which have been considered among the sleekest computers in the industry. So ACER has to design a product of beautiful appearance and high-performance. As CRN Senior Editor Joseph F. Kovar pointed out in the Nov. 8 issue, Shih and Acer President Rudi Schmidleithner have put their company in place to drive 100 percent of its sales through the channel. And in CRNs monthly polls, Acer is being named by an increas ing number of VARs as the provider of their best-selling PC. When I saw in the PC battle for the throne of HewlettPackard between Dell and expand, it is becoming increasingly clear, and I think that the powerful 3 Acer orbit grab. Over time, Acer may just run to the Hewlett-Packard and Dell, the No. 2 point, ultimately, on the 1st. When you peel the manufacturing process, HP and Dell, Acer, the story is very different. HP and Dell are dependent on the matrix contract manufacturers, suppliers and assembly lines, spend a lot of effort to find the lowest-cost supplier of logistics. Meanwhile, Acer is a vertically integrated manufacturer, the most basic components. Obviously, this is an advantage in its final price of the complete system. This is, of course, unless HP or Dell are able to find lower-cost suppliers. But I bet there is likely to be on the internal components of occasions Acer, Dell and HP PC. In any case, my point is that just 12 months ago, it looks like the P C battle comes down to a tug of war the war between HP and Dell do not have another serious contender emerging. Acer has a stable income. This appeared to have to take advantage of its vertical integration, is now focused on the indirect channel. ACER Social Responsibility: Business ethics is behind the organization, professional, institutional and social development of the process, has become the major challenges facing multinationals operating philosophy, Acer, must be met in the 21st century. This is a combination of principles and values ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹to guide management efforts for economic and social goals. The morality company realized that it must bear all the economic, legal, social and charitable responsibilities. One of the elements of this management philosophy, is to reach a global balance, the target set by the companys corporate social responsibility program integrates human, environmental and soci al resources. Corporate Social Responsibility is a business issue and licensing business in the 21st century. Therefore, as the worlds leading PC brand, Acer comprehensive corporate social responsibility strategy. Since 2006, Acer has a comprehensive and in-depth review of its actions to promote sustainable development. By integrating and embedding corporate social responsibility into their business operations, and actively participate in global corporate social responsibility initiatives, Acer has demonstrated its commitment to corporate social responsibility and determination. Try also continuing to contribute to global sustainable development. Acer Environmental Sustainability: Acer worldwide is fully aware that our products may be due to the potential impact on the environment. Thus, taking into account our product design from the outset, production methods, in order to reduce the environmental load, in addition to the users needs, functional and value-added. In this wo rld of limited natural resources, Acer attaches great importance to all the best use of material resources. One of our first principle to extend the life of the product, and to optimize the use of our resources. In order to ensure that all Acer products comply with environmental regulations require the customers needs, our environmental product requirements, to ensure that all designs are compliant energy saving, low toxicity, ease of recycling and green label. In these standards, low toxicity standards restrict the use of hazardous substances, including batteries and packaging materials. Green labeling standards to ensure that strict standards, recycling labels and packaging materials, labels, material label. Acer attaches great importance to its responsibilities for environmental protection, and keen attention to international trends in this regard. In addition to actively keep pace with the international trend of environmental protection, Acer every effort to design environmental ly friendly products, in line with relevant international and domestic laws and regulations. So we know ACER is building a good brand image. Conclusion: The first literature show ACER has good product and attract customers. The second literature show is a vertically integrated manufacturer that builds most of the components itself. And it is better than HP and DELLs model. The final literature show ACER is building a good brand by this means of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability. So we are going to search about ACERs issue and strategy at next weeks. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Supernatural in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

If you can get past most of the superficial and unlikeable characters in The Picture of Dorian Gray, this story does indeed have its place in the horror genre. While I understand the setting and the characters were a reflection of the actual class distinctions during the Victorian time period, I found the shallowness and narcissism of Dorian Gray and his circle of acquaintances tedious. Fops came to mind more than once along with dont these people have a purpose other than to dine out and indulge themselves? Even the women were for the most part portrayed as imbeciles. It almost hurt to read the section in chapter four where Lord Henrys wife appears for the first and only time: She was usually in love with somebody, and, as her†¦show more content†¦It is interesting to note that he doesnt ask for it to show his sins, only take on his aging. The painting gets progressively more horrible throughout the story, but it is not just aging it shows, it seems to portray an awful deca y. Dorian uses a mirror to compare himself to the painting (one that Lord Henry gave him) and seems to take pleasure in his corruption: ...looking now at the evil and aging face on the canvas, and now at the fair young face that laughed back at him from the polished glass. The very sharpness of the contrast used to quicken his sense of pleasure. He grew more and more enamored of his own beauty, more and more interested in the corruption of his own soul ... wondering sometimes which were the more horrible, the signs of sin or the signs of age (Wilde 106). The use of the mirror further points out his narcissism. This is also the same mirror that he crushes under his feet the night he tries to kill the painting. The devil is suggested a couple of times (and I may have missed more instances). Once by the woman at the bar talking to James Vane: They say he has sold himself to the devil for a pretty face (Wilde 160). I think the more important reference was by Basil Hallward in viewing the painting the night Dorian killed him: Christ! What a thing I must have worshipped! It has the eyes of a devil (Wilde 131). Last but not least is the role Lord Henry played with the corruptionShow MoreRelated Criticism of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay examples1120 Words   |  5 PagesCriticism of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, written by Oscar Wilde originally appeared in Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine in 1890.   It was then published in 1891, in book form, containing six additional chapters with revisions. The first reviews of Dorian Gray were mostly unfavorable.   It was condemned for its speculative treatment   of immoral or at least uncomfortable subjects. A review in the St. James’s Gazette by Samuel Henry JeyesRead MoreMacbeth and Picture of Dorian Gray Essay1821 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿The Picture of Dorian Gray – Victorian Era Gray swaps his soul for the painting through an indirect Faustian Bargain. Quote: Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that! Social Values/Context: Aestheticism was exposed to Dorian Gray by Lord Henry who was an aesthetic himself, which ultimately leads to the Faustian Bargain. Quote: Oh, she is better than good – she is beautiful, murmured Lord Henry, sipping a glass of vermouth and orange-bittersRead MoreArt And Art In Oscar Wildes The Picture Of Dorian Gray835 Words   |  4 Pagesfew, have made their significant contributions to the study. Challenging much of the set outlooks on art and artists are the views of Oscar Wilde. In the preface to his scandalous novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, Wilde professes his views on art and artist. The preface to the novel starts with the line, â€Å"the artist is the creator of beautiful things.† Oscar Wilde was deeply inspired by the movement of Aestheticism which went by the propaganda of ‘art for art’s sake’. Art was not supposed to teachRead More The Picture of Dorian Gray - Comparing Dorian to His Self-Portrait917 Words   |  4 PagesThe Picture of Dorian Gray - Parallel between Dorian and his Self-portrait Oscar Wildes novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, presented many themes. One such theme is the idea of doubleness. Oscar Wilde used this as a technique to link his characters and ideas. While doubleness is shown in many aspects of the novel, the most obvious and most important presence of it is the parallel between the main character, Dorian, and his self-portrait. This bond between Dorian and his pictureRead MoreThe Picture of Dorian Gray and the Turn of the Screw in the Gothic Genre4189 Words   |  17 PagesOscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray and Henry James The Turn Of the Screw are key examples of the way in which gothic texts use and adapt the conventions of the genre. These changes occur due to the authors own personal context and values. The inexorable link between text, context and values is expressed through the way in which both authors choose to manipulate, redefine and introduce new conventions to the gothic. Oscar Wildes first and only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, was writtenRead MoreFrankenstein And The Picture Of Dorian Gray As British Gothic Literature1837 Words   |  8 PagesEric Haney Mr. Kearney English 4 AP 27 May 2015 Frankenstein and The Picture of Dorian Gray as British Gothic Literature â€Å"There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand.† This quote from Mary Shelley s classic gothic novel Frankenstein is very representative of the functional importance of gothic literature to humanity. Gothic literature can be viewed as the dark side of the human soul, as good usually triumphs over evil in storytelling; gothic literature is the releaseRead MoreModern Society As A Reflection Of The Picture Of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde1432 Words   |  6 Pagessuch as Oscar Wilde’s only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray have incited modern adaptations and the appropriation of these texts into modern culture. This text display cultural and literary disciplines entrenched in superficial concepts that have since become common in today’s shallow society. Contemporary texts such as the 2004 film The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen (based on the comic book of the same name) directed by Stephen Norrington, not only visualise the character of Dorian Gray but alsoRead MoreModern Society as a Reflection of the Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde1460 Words   |  6 Pagessuch as Oscar Wilde’s only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray have incited modern adaptations and the appropriation of these texts into modern culture. This text display cultural and literary disciplines entrenched in superficial concepts that have since become common in today’s shallow society. Contemporary texts such as the 2004 film The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen (based on the comic book of the same name) directed by Stephen Norrington, not only visualise the character of Dorian Gray but alsoRead MoreMWDS The Picture of Dorian Gray1426 Words   |  6 PagesMWDS : The Picture of Dorian Gray ! AP English IV Title of Work: The Picture of Dorian Gray Author: Oscar Wilde Date of Publication: 1890 Genre: Gothic Biographical Information Oscar Wilde was born on October 16, 1854 to Sir William Wilde and Jane Wilde, the second of three children. Wilde studied at Oxford, and joined the Freemasons in 1878 after failing to join the Oxford Union. After graduation, he went home to Dublin and began writing poems. The Picture of Dorian Gray was his first and onlyRead MoreThe Gothic Elements in the Picture of Dorian Gray4109 Words   |  17 PagesAbstract In an attempt to find out the purposes of the gothic elements in The Picture of Dorian Gray, this essay takes a close look at the three most prevailing gothic elements in the novel: the portrait, decadence, and the gothic villain by first exploring their presence and development throughout, and then examining their contributions to the characters, the plot development and the themes. First of all, the unique properties and symbolic meanings of the portrait in this novel are discussed. The

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Financial Statements and Positive Accounting Theory

Question: Discuss about the Financial Statements and Positive Accounting Theory. Answer: Introduction Positive accounting research is a type of research that aims at shifting of the normal paradigm of dogmatic thinking. The critique aims to identify whether positive accounting research is the real thing and if so what can be done to improve it (Mouck, 1990). Watts and Zimmerman advocated the positive accounting research theory in 1978.The positive theory uses the technique of observation to base its argument as opposed to the normative theory that applies formulas. Positive accounting focuses on the actual real world transactions as well as events and tries to examine and understand how the events are accounted (Staff, 2016). The examination of the accounting methods reveal the economic consequences that might arise from using such accounting decisions, to determine measures for accounting future events. On the other hand, normative theory relies on deductions based on formulas that have been in existence. For this, reason the paper compares the old paradigm to several believes that hindered the discovery of new knowledge. On this paper, the report structure will be applied, as it is more understandable (Mehta, 2016). Is the positive accounting research approach the best? Is the research having obstacles in its adoption in various fields? What are some of the shortcomings experienced during its application? What are some of the improvement needed to perfect the positive accounting research? On the introduction part, the author highlights that the review of the theory is to expose the serious deficiencies in a way in which performance of positive accounting research practice takes place leading to the non-meaningful contribution to the wider project. The author has gone ahead to elaborate on the hypothesis by examining some recent papers. The first paper, the scientists research project, focuses on how individuals hold beliefs so close that they rarely acknowledge new ways and findings. The author continues to acknowledge the perception of sophists views urging that in order to incorporate positive accounting research, one should stop believing in normative accounting theory. This shows that the author tries to identify preconceived beliefs as one of the obstacles facing the adoption of positive accounting theory (Watts Zimmerman, 1986). The second paper, examples of positive research in accounting, the author portrays the broadness of positive accounting research and even highlight examples that are included in that type of research. Some of the examples include how managers perform evaluation systems with discretion, the different ways of presentation of accounts information affect the users ability to absorb and finally how audit experts make their judgment. The paper shows that while using the positive accounting approach there is a shortcoming as the broadness of the concept has various areas that may lead to misinterpretation (Wolk, 2009). The third paper, scientific ontology and epistemology, highlights that not all researches are positive accounting research, there is also interpretive research, which mainly answers the open-ended questions. This paper shows that the positive accounting research cannot work on its own and requires support from other research methods. To conduct a successful positive accounting research the author has highlighted three requirements as follows; the use variable models that are stringently tested the application of an analytic modeling and a shift of focus on measurement rather than testing. All the research questions formulated above lead to the issue addressed in the paper with most of them stemming from the literature review (Staff, 2016). Theoretical framework The author of the paper has adequately included materials from other sources in the way of reviewing them; disciplined framework mainly incorporates the work of others in a paper in order to lead the research in a way that it seeks to come up with a much better findings than previous researches. The frame on this paper is elaborating on why positive accounting research fails to capture the attention of its users. Moreover, the author addresses the broadness of the theory as well as the inefficiencies brought about by the broadness (Milne, 2002). The author has also reviewed the concept of the disciplinary matrix by (Kuhn, 1970) that suggests that positive research is a paradigm applied to solving accepted puzzles in social groups, regardless the social or intellectual reward that comes about from solving such a puzzle. The author goes ahead to cite ( Lee , 1997) who talks about the self-replicating elite and how there is no hope of the adoption of the new effective paradigm. This ded ucts the hypothesis of what is hindering the adoption of positive accounting research. To emphasize on this point the author has cited the well-known story of (Hannam, 2009). Hannam wrote about the theologians that refused to look through Galileos telescope as they thought it would show what is already known from the church doctrine or show something contrary to the teachings, as it had been corrupt by the devil. The papers theoretical framework has given the hypothesis concerning the positive accounting research, elaborated on the hypotheses and provided falsification and hypothesis testing. Moreover, the paper has addressed the requirements for a positive research program to ensure a successful positive accounting research process. (Hannam, 2009) Goes ahead to evaluate the hypothesis through various ways such as; Proper criterion To gather, reliable data a researcher should observe carefully and develop preliminary ideas. The idea will lead to the development of the formal theory that is in line with predictions that rely on the current empirical evidence. The predictions are then tested against new observations in cases where new and old theories conflict Falsification of the theory A theory may fail to answer the question, as other factors might be involved in the situation. The author cites the spacecraft lower speed that might be attributed to a gas leak, measurement error, outside forces pulling spacecraft or the whole theory might relatively be wrong. Qualitative positive research The aim of the qualitative positive research is to gather data to help in the preliminary understanding of the situation and what kind of questions should be developed. The logic and weakness of statistical hypothesis In general, there is a technical difficulty with the testing of hypothesis. The distribution of test statistics subjects to null hypothesis as it depends on auxiliary options. The effect of positive research program The author writes that hypothesis testing as commonly applied in positive accounting research provide weak evidence in support of the particular alternative hypothesis. Due to this, the writer suggests that much of what is claimed to be established might not be true. Regardless of all these shortcomings, the author has acknowledged that positive accounting research contributes to a wider scientific endeavor aiming to understand the human behavior and the complex setting of organizations in which decisions are highly dependent on specialized information as well as the control systems. Finally, in the conclusion part suggested the various ways in which the research requires adjustments for further improvement of results. The author ensures that all the suggestions are set at the end of the document to clearly help the readers understand the information on the paper before the final solution is presented. Significance and limitations of the article The paper written on positive accounting research is one of the papers whos information ought not to be kept on shelves to collect dust, but rather be keenly addressed as it has unearthed the dogmas that human beings seem to perceive hence limiting change. The theory purported by the paper is far much better as it involves observation of the real world, compared to the normative accounting that bases its findings on set policies (Melis, 2007). The timing of the paper is at its best, as most of the researchers need to incorporate various new ways of researching to come up with conclusive deductions, not as before where researches limited their areas of implementation like the sophist who were ignorant and the information they knew they kept it to themselves. On the other hand, positive accounting research has quit a number of limitations that make it less effective during its application. Some of the limitations include the broad concept that the specific theory e.g. how auditors make decisions, how they determine the fee and how managers justify their decisions. Another limitation is the fact that positive research on its own cannot deliver conclusive results and therefore require support from interpretive research to answer the open-end questions. The articles theoretical model so far it is not the best, and there is the need for a model that is highly specified (Kaplan Ruland, 1991). Conclusion The author has adequately criticized the positive research and highlighted all the various areas that the research fails to address Furthermore he has portrayed the dogmas exhibited by humans in the adoption of new ways. According to the author, positive accounting research is the much superior research compared to normative accounting research. Though positive research has not been widely embraced, there is still hope. To catalyze the adoption of this kind of a research, there is the need for few adjustments that will enable the research to be efficient. Some of the adjustments include; There is a need to provide better measurement methods to test the theoretical framework. This is because most researchers are mainly focused on other parameters and simply reduce the framework testing into mere statements. There ought to be a Shift of focus away from testing of the hypothesis and towards the estimation of parameters. For this reason, concepts require being operationalized with at most caution by use of proxies for other interesting concepts. Once a reliable way is established, it should be set as a benchmark for future researches and no need of coming up with new measurements for each study. Data archives of measurement to be provided for important concepts that have been made to test particular theories as well as contribute to the archive. The need for an archive is to ensure that careful measurements made by researchers get acknowledged as part of the discipline activity .These measurements prove worthy for future researches as well as b becomes a resource. Finally, there is a need for conducting numerous researches to validate the findings and hence come up with conclusive results. The replication of researches enables the validation of hypothesis testing hence confirming the accuracy of the measurement. Moreover, a test requires being carried out aiming to compare the theoretical framework against other studies to determine the reliability of the theoretical framework. References Avel, D. (2014). Positive accounting theory: theoretical and critical perspectives.International Journal of Critical Accounting, 6(4), p.396. BOLAND, L. and GORDON, I. (1992). 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A positive theory of flexibility in accounting standards.Journal of Accounting and Economics, 46(2-3), pp.312-333. Kaplan, S. and Ruland, R. (1991). Positive theory, rationality and accounting regulation.Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 2(4), pp.361-374. Melis, A. (2007). Financial Statements and Positive Accounting Theory: The Early Contribution of Aldo Amaduzzi.Accounting, Business Financial History, 17(1), pp.53-62. Milne, M. (2002). Positive accounting theory, political costs And social disclosure analyses: a critical look.Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 13(3), pp.369-395. Mouck, T. (1990). Positive Accounting Theory as a Lakatosian Research Programme.Accounting and Business Research, 20(79), pp.231-239. Ram Sharan Mehta, P. (2016).Conceptual and theoretical framework. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Dec. 2016]. Richardson, G. and O'Malley, P. (1995).Ethics and positive accounting theory. 1st ed. Waterloo, ON: Centre for Accounting Ethics, School of Accountancy, University of Waterloo. Thornton, J. (2003). User Primacy, Positive Accounting Theory, and Nonaudit Services: Evidence from the SEC's Independence Hearings.Accounting and the Public Interest, 3(1), pp.36-57. Watts, R. and Zimmerman, J. (1986).Positive accounting theory. 1st ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Staff, M. (2016).What Are the Differences Between Positive and Normative Accounting? -- The Motley Fool. [online] The Motley Fool. Available at: [Accessed 15 Dec. 2016].